Covid-19 New Virus Variant Omicron is The Main Cause of Positivity Rate in Indonesia
Covid-19 New Virus Variant Omicron is The Main Cause of Positivity Rate in Indonesia.Since 2 years ago, the world has been facing a new fear that limited all people from what they used to do before. Who says that Covid-19 is over? Covid is not over yet and now, people around the world are facing a new virus variant called Omicron which is said to be more dangerous than the first variant of Covid. Omicron has been detected in most countries around the world including Indonesia and it increases the case until WHO lend its hand to help.
Omicron as the New Virus of Covid-19 is Reaching Its Peak Soon as Predicted by IDI
WHO is not tired in giving advice or warnings to all countries around the world about Covid-19 since Omicron has been dominating the case lately. WHO also renew the guide to Omicron to anticipate the pandemic and its spread. Omicron is the main culprit of the increase of positive case in more than 100 countries around the world. WHO suggested to all countries to increase the health test and also speed up the vaccination and the rest of them are still the same just like facing the regular variant of Covid.
Social distancing and also limitation are still the main points to prevent the illness. WHO assess that pandemic in Indonesia is still under control and it can be seen from the reduce of transmission in the last 2 weeks. The death rate is also low though the case is increasing. However, WHO also gave warning after knowing the increase of Covid case in Java and Bali in the last 2 weeks and WHO said that the government should monitor the risk of transmission and prevent the outbreak especially new variant, Omicron. Amongst all provinces in Indonesia, Jakarta is still on top when it comes to the highest transmission. Covid-19 New Virus Variant Omicron is The Main Cause of Positivity Rate in Indonesia
IDI or Ikatan Dokter Indonesia predicted that Omicron is almost at its peak and it is predicted to happen between February and March 2022. This prediction is not just a hoax but it comes from the result after reflecting from other countries such as South Africa and England. Omicron has already reached the peak in both countries. The government of Indonesia just wants to reduce the positivity rate though the case is still under control. The main cause of Omicron transmission is from the people themselves especially those who go aboard.
The people who come and go aboard tend to have more risk to catch the new variant of Covid-19 while many people also mind to stay quarantine for about 10 days or less. It makes the positivity rate in Indonesia increases and every day, the new case will be found.